Friday, October 7, 2011

Sometimes Life Throws You A Wasabi Pea!

Blogging Naturally, Entry #8, October 7, 2011

Sometimes Life Throws You A Wasabi Pea!

If you know me and are familiar with the incredible journey I have been on you may understand why I have this need to share what I learn.  Share, share that’s fair!  This is one of my favorite mottos; ask my 3 kids and my husband!

I went through an epiphany several years back where I realized that I should eliminate any and all China-made products from my home that related to food.  I threw out any food products that were manufactured there and also threw away all my dishes and cups and converted to glass made by Anchor Hocking, a U.S. company who verifies that they do not have toxins in their glass, also food grade stainless steel and beautiful pottery from a super cool artist in VT who I am trusting his verification that he utilizes no toxins in his products.  China, to me, is the most toxin riddled country and has no shame in producing edible products and dishware loaded with every petro-chemical, BPA, lead and the list goes on, that they can get their hands on.  They have no regard for their own inhabitants and they sure don’t care about us!

So, where does the wasabi pea come in already?  I absolutely adored those little edible gems and would purchase and eat as often as I could.  The crunch and spice factor had me always at the first one and never let up till the package hit the garbage can, until sadly I discovered that 99.999999999999999% were made in freaky China!  I was so sad to have to give them up and cold turkey no less!  I literally had withdrawal symptoms.  Imagine how excited I was to find that TraderJoSan’s (Trader Joe’s Oriental Division) was now making their own right here in the beautiful U.S. of A.!  I bought a package on my way into my class at the Natural Gourmet Institute and felt compelled to share them with my classmates.

I ate those scrumptious little treats the entire train ride home until about the 2nd to last one in the package when I felt this incredible pain shoot up from my # 5 tooth that travelled like lightning straight up to my brain! OWWWWWWWWWWWW!  There is no pain like tooth pain.  I would gladly deliver 3 more babies; yes I said that, than have to endure that kind of pain. I knew in my heart that # 5 was going down!  How did I know?  Unfortunately because I recently lost Hey #19 to an almond!  I told my husband to ride a few more ships because Momma needs another implant!  Oh and by the way, in case you are looking for the hole in my smile, you know you will be looking; I immediately had a flipper made for a temporary fit while I have to wait the 6 months for an implant.

O.K. so what I really feel the need to share is not the above true story but a quickie little overview education that I now have regarding Calcium and its obvious benefits or should I say detriments when one is not consuming enough through their diet or through supplements.   I recently found out that the Calcium supplement I was taking for God knows how many years and through nourishing all 3 of my pups for at least the first year of this life for them, was Calcium carbonate. Unfortunately this type of calcium does not absorb well in our bodies.  I was told it is like chalk and the forms of Calcium supplements like that of Calcium Citrate are much better for human absorption.  Well why then do they still sell the form that’s not so great?  Because they can I think is the answer.  Obviously it is up to the consumer to educate ourselves.

Here’s the rub.  The ultimate best way to give our bodies the proper amount of Calcium it needs for healthy bones and teeth is through eating Nature’s bounty.  I am hoping that you will print the following chart and amounts of calcium derived and start to incorporate more calcium into your and your families’ daily diet intake.  If you feel you can’t cut the mustard then please do supplement but not with Carbonate.  I just read my almond milk carton and realized that the Calcium even in my milk is Carbonate!  For the love of Teeth, can’t I catch a good break? Calcium Citrate with D3 for absorption is your friend but spinach, broccoli and pumpkin seeds really love you!  Along with Calcium our bones and teeth also require magnesium and vitamin D3 & K which will also be provided should you choose to take on this mission of incorporating more foods like those listed below into your every day diet.  PLEASE NOTE THE AMOUNTS NOT TO EXCEED.

  0-6     Months
210    mg (milligrams)
1,000 mg
  7-12   Months
270    mg
1,500 mg
  1-3     Years
500    mg
2,500 mg
  4-8     Years
800    mg
2,500 mg
  9-13   Years
1,300 mg
3,000 mg
14-18   Years
1,300 mg
3,000 mg
19-50   Years
1,000 mg
2,500 mg
51 +     Years
1,200 mg
2,000 mg

Sesame Seeds
¼ cup
351   mg
1 cup boiled
245   mg
½ cup soaked and prepared
100   mg
100   mg
Blackstrap Molasses
150   mg
1 oz serving
100   mg
3 oz. serving
181   mg
1 oz. (23 nuts)
  75   mg
2 cups boiled
 124  mg
2 cups raw
   81  mg
1 medium
   52  mg
2 TBS raw
 126  mg
Collard Greens
1 cup boiled
 266  mg
Baked Beans
1 cup
 154  mg
Trail Mix(nuts,seeds,choc)
1 cup
 159  mg

DAIRY(Organic & Raw if possible)
8 oz  serving
452   mg  (Wowie!)
Nonfat Milk
1 cup
300   mg
Whole Milk
1 cup
236   mg
Romano Cheese
1.5 oz
452   mg
Cheddar,Swiss,Part-Skim Ricotta & Mozz., Provalone
1.5 oz
300   mg
Feta,Blue,Whole-milk Ricotta
1.5 oz
200   mg
Eggs with Cheddar Cheese
2 eggs with 1.5 oz cheese
344   mg


  1. The lists above is only a taste of all of the calcium rich foods Mother Nature has to offer. Most of your leafy greens, nuts, seeds and fruit all have a fair amount. The closer we keep our food to what Nature intended the better our bodies can utilize it.

  2. Hi Lamb:
    Awesome entry and informative.

    The production in China is extensive and we may have to look at the role of the chinese production Lobbyist in Washington who is/has allowed such a production monopoly to go on for some long. Yikes! More and more we will be looking at Congress for answers, right girl?

    I am interested to learn about calcium carbonate because I was unaware of it and the way it is used/not used. Thank you for helping me learn about this it is so awesome.

    You go girl with all of the wonderful things that you are doing for yourself and others.

    Happy Sunshine today.


  3. Kristen, thank you so much for your much needed sunshine! Someday I would love to have the time to get involved with the Ills of Chinese Imports. For now my plate is full. However, I am currently reading "Farmageddon" and what our government has been behind is really making my blood boil! I think I see another post coming soon after I am done with that book!
    Love you, Cindy

  4. Nanci-Jean said via email:

    Thanks for the information another great article. Keep them coming.

    Vice President

  5. Thank you for reading my posts Nanci, I know how busy you are and I will try my best to keep them coming. Love, Cindy

  6. Cindy, I am so sorry about your tooth! I know how painful that is. Ouch! Very good writing. I was right there with you and winced when I read about it. But boy do I love those wasabi peas too. Yum. I didn't know that most of them were made in China. Great information. You inspire me to improve my diet. Thank you. Looking forward to hearing about Farmageddon.

  7. Thank you, as always, my friend for taking the time to read and respond. Just trying to share what I learn regardless of how or why I come to the information. Love, Cindy.
