Friday, June 3, 2011

Recharging Your Internal Batteries!!!!!!

I recently read a lovely post regarding recharging the smoke alarm batteries that questioned why they always seam to go off in the middle of the night while you just happened to get to that lovely REM sleep!

While reading the blog I was immediately brought back to very fond memories of trips I have taken as a mommy (without kids) who desperately needed to recharge her batteries so I could come home and once again return to being super mom!  Before I begin this little story, I must give major KUDOS to a beautiful man that made those getaways possible, my husband, Bob.  Yes, I was fortunate to find and marry a man who could and would do just about everything and then some of the parenting tasks that are required on a day-to-day basis to keep those little ones thriving, or on some days just breathing is a victory!

I just came back from one of those trips and can’t begin to tell you how much my stomach ached from truly LOL!  Just a little laugh out loud, when I first saw LOL I thought it meant lots of love.  Most of the time I think you could interchange them, except for when someone tells you that a relative is very ill and you try to relay a heartfelt message and unknowingly place LOL where you really meant lots of love for you and what you are going through!

Mommies and Daddies around the world need to unite and admit that our health is just as important as our children’s.  Mental health is so much a factor of our physical health.  If we all learned to relax and take breaks from the normal every day stress of our parental life’s we would discover that we can profoundly help maintain a healthy lifestyle naturally.  It’s O.K. to admit that our batteries need to be recharged to work at maximum capacity.  The sky will not fall down if we take a break!

To recap, if you are a parent chances are you most definitely may need a break.  Work it out with your significant other and or parents and in-laws and getaway with those that will build you up and make you feel good.  Go away to bring home a new sense of inner peace  that makes you want to go back to one of this life-times most amazing gifts, being a parent.  You know the same holds true for those that parent animals just like those who parent children.  I can say this from my heart because I truly feel like my beautiful Lexie is my 4th child!

Recharge and live a healthy life, naturally!


  1. Excellent advice, Cindy. After working all week and taking care of all these animals, I sooooo need to recharge my batteries.

  2. Hi Cindy:
    So true Mommy. I could use consistent recharging of the batteries at all times. It seems it is never enough. But very very necessary for everybody.

  3. Dear Sue,

    Thank you for all your wonderful Tommy stories. Love to see his pictures and all of his friends! Someday I will have to come and visit to meet your housemate! Love & Miss You, Cindy

  4. Dear Kristen,

    I am looking forward to recharging our batteries on the boat in a few weeks. Thank you for having us. Love, Cindy.
